Hi, I am Mohamed Fawzy


A picture of Mohamed Fawzy

What I do

Back-end Development

I create high performance, secure, and reliable servers that handle huge numer of users using programming languages and frameworks such as Javascipt --> Node-js, (Express-js, Socket.io) and Python (Flask). Generating RESTful APIs and data endpoints.

Front-end Development

I design fully responsive websites with an effecient UI/UX design that the users love to deal with. Using technologies and frameworks such as React-js, Axios, Redux, Bootstrap, HTML 5 and CSS 3.

Database Adminstration

I use SQL and NOSQL databases to create efficient database Schemas and models. Using MongoDB and Mongoose, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQL lite. I design ORM and SQL models using SQL Alchemy. I use Atlas, Mlab and MySQL as servers to store my data.

My Work

Who I am

Junior Python & MERN Stack Developer

A passionate, critical thinker and eager to learn web developer with very good problem solving and communication skills.
Graduated from Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence - Cairo University.
Studied Computer Science as a major deptartment, and Information Systems as minor.

Worked as a freelancer web developer for one year and half.
Attended the NTL scholarship --> Udacity's Full stack web developer Nanodegree program.
Attended the PDF scholarship --> A business and English scholarship provided by the Ministry of Social Solidarity.

Born in 1996 and living in Alexandria, Egypt.
Completed the military service in: 09-2020

A picture of Mohamed Fawzy

My Work

A selection of my range of work

Sample of Fawzy's work Sample of Fawzy's work Sample of Fawzy's work Sample of Fawzy's work Sample of Fawzy's work Sample of Fawzy's work Sample of Fawzy's work Sample of Fawzy's work Sample of Fawzy's work Sample of Fawzy's work